Android projects
Playing sound FX demo
In this mini-project, we will play a sound on an Android device. We will see how we use the SoundPool class to load a sound from a file and then play it. This is another significant step on the journey to build a complete game.
Create a new project
Create a new Android Studio project, call it […]
Building a simple game engine
In this mini-project we will draw a moving, controllable sprite to your Android device. We will draw Bob to the screen and when the screen is touched he will move to the right and when the screen is released he will stop. However, we will have achieved much more than this as this simple 2D […]
Drawing graphics demo
In this really simple mini-project, we will really harness the power of classes and objects by using classes from the Android API which allow us to draw graphics on the screen. We will see how we can draw shapes, lines, pixels, text, and even custom-designed graphics like game characters. We will do all of this […]
loops demo
In this quick mini-project, we will put into practice different types of loops like loops and loops. Prepare to go loopy. Actually, it’s really simple. To get started Create a new Android project and enter Loops in the Aplication Name field and enter LoopsActivity in the Activity Name field. When Android Studio has finished generating the project read on.
Delete the generated code in […]
Checking for conditions and branching demo
In this quick mini-project, we will practice how to test for conditions using Java in an Android game project. Condition testing is a basic staple of all programming including games. If you think it sounds complicated you will be pleasantly surprised. To get started create a new Android project and enter ConditionsAndBranching in the Aplication Name field and enter ConditionsAndBranchingActivity in the Activity Name field. When […]
Game variables demo
In this demo project, we will put into practice the concepts we learned about it in part 1 and part 2 of the Java tutorials. We will declare and initialize a whole bunch of different types of variable and then we will see the different ways we can use operators on them and the effect it […]
Building your first Android game
In this project we will use the Android Studio new project wizard to build an app we can actually run on a real Android device. It won’t do anything except print some text to the screen but it will demonstrate the first step that all our Android game projects will require.
This is made really easy […]
Setting up Android Studio development environment
Setting up your Android development environment does not have to be hard. In this tutorial, I will walk you through all the steps required to install Android Studio 2.2.2. By the end of the tutorial, you will be ready to build and deploy your first Android games and I have written quick tutorials on how […]