If you are toying with the idea of learning to build games with Cocos2d-x, our book store are delighted to present the renown Cocos2d-x by Example: Beginner's Guide - Second Edition. Coding in the C++ programming language you will develop your skills starting from beginner/intermediate level, in order to build games that run on the Windows, Linux, Mac, Android & iOS platforms. If you are a reader who is determined to make games using Cocos2d-x, consider trying this course.
Cocos2d-x by Example: Beginner's Guide - Second Edition was authored by Roger Engelbert and published by Packt Publishing.
Also consider that this is the paperback version. You can get the e-book/Kindle version available by ordering on Amazon below:
If you would like to try out some C++ before buying this book you can do so here: C++ beginner tutorials.
Upgraded and updated, the powerful and popular open source framework Cocos2d-x is better than ever. Through step-by-step tutorials, you'll learn how to take complete advantage of the framework. You'll learn how to add animations and special effects, implement a physics engine, optimize your games, prepare a project for multiple devices, and develop game ideas from the test version to a finished project.
Most importantly, this book provides you with the accumulated knowledge of thousands of game developers, all packed into one easy-to-use and proven framework that will save time and strenuous thinking!