


Unity Projects

Unity is arguably the fastest game engine in terms of getting started. All you need is some basic C# knowledge and you can begin to develop games with Unity. Add to this that Unity is completely free for non-commercial and small independent developers. The fact that you can also quickly deploy to almost any platform imaginable (iOS, Android, Windows, Linux and Mac) and you can see why Unity is so popular.

Take a look at these beginner Unity projects. They are written to help you get started from absolutely zero knowledge and gradually increase in complexity up to complete working games. If you are brand new to all forms of programming, be sure to study these beginner C# tutorials alongside these Unity projects.

Unity 2d Shooter



This 2D space shooter tutorial features spaceships, spinning sprites, steadily increasing difficulty, some simple lighting, retro sound effects, and a cool backing track. The whole thing should take no longer than a couple of hours to […]

Simple patrol & chase AI tutorial with Unity 2D and Mecanim

In this simple Unity AI tutorial, we will create a horde of zombies who wander around the screen between random hidden waypoints until they see the player-controlled object, at which point they will give chase until […]

Simple 2D Sprite-sheet animations in Unity



This really quick tutorial uses the Unity Mecanim system to produce the simplest possible sprite-sheet animation. When we are finished our character will be able to stand still or walk left and right. We will achieve […]

Unity particle systems: Building a fireplace effect



As you can see above the prerequisite knowledge for completing this project is virtually nothing. That is because Unity makes particle effects easy, very easy. It is true that there are still advanced techniques to learn […]

Building an Asteroids game in Unity



Welcome to the Asteroids arcade game project built in Unity. In this step-by-step guide, we will make a reasonably authentic clone of the classic arcade game. If you never had the joy of playing Asteroids then […]

Lights, sound and a bit more collision



To get us started, create a new Unity project called Sound & Vision. Be sure to set the 2D option, just as we have for all the projects in this series.
Creating an invisible barrier around the […]

Unity UI & data persistence



Adding a Canvas and an EventSystem
Start a new project called UI & Data Persistence. As with all the projects so far, be sure to select the 2D option.

Right-click in the Hierarchy window and select  UI | […]

Collisions and destroying objects in Unity



Preparing the scene and the game objects
First, we need to create a new Unity project. Call it Collisions and Deleting Objects and select the 2D option. Download all the following graphics or you can create your own […]

Spawning new objects in Unity



First, we need to create a new Unity project. Call it Spawning Objects and be sure to select the 2D option.

Download the bob.png graphic below by right-clicking it and selecting Save image as… In Unity add […]

Adding a controllable player object in Unity 2d



Fire up Unity and log in to your account. Click New to start a new Unity project. Name your project Controllable Spaceship and Select the 2d option.

Now click the Create Project button and you will have […]

Unity & C# part 2



Creating a new Unity project
Start Unity and click on New Project. Enter C# & Unity part 2 in the Project Name field and choose the location where you want to store the project files in the Location […]

Unity & C# part 1



Start Unity and click on New Project. Enter C# & Unity part 1 in the Project Name field and choose the location where you want to store the project files in the Location field.

Click on the […]

Setting up Unity 5




Click the FREE DOWNLOAD button.

Click Download Installer.

This is a really small download. Once it is complete run the program. If you are prompted Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to this […]